Thursday, March 5, 2015

Congress, Songwriter, and the Equity Act. 3.5.15

Hey songwriters and composers! The uphill battle for fair market royalties is still going strong. Yesterday, both the Senate and House of Representatives were re-introduced to the Songwriter Equity Act. 

"Through the Songwriter Equity Act, songwriters will no longer be disadvantaged by the fact that courts cannot legally consider all relevant benchmark deals -- key evidence in determining fair market rates.  Not only is it an important step on the road to fairness for BMI's more than 650,000 songwriters, composers and publishers, but this bill will also help address ongoing concerns about the impact of a rate disparity that values the performances of sound recordings at a level approximately 12 times greater than the actual musical compositions from which they are created." - BMI President & CEO Michael O'Neill

This is a big step, and a very important step in moving forward from an outdated licensing system we're currently stuck in. ASCAP and BMI are supportive and working to get this act revamped and updated! 

Keep up the fight!

Check out the whole article here:

-Jenna Despres, Account Executive @ PARMALicensing


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