Thursday, June 25, 2015

O Canada! 6.25.15

Good news today for Canadian artists that no one could have predicted when 2015 first started. Just two months after the intention to amend the Copyright Act from 50 years to 70 years for royalties of a musicians works was discussed , it has now become reality. Canada now joins the list of over 60 countries that have 70 years of royalties from the date of publication for sound recordings and live performances before their work enters the public domain. And with this, Canadian musicians across the country are excited by this and with reason to be with the increase royalties providing a financial security for those who's best hits came out while they were young and are now relaxing in their golden years.

"In extending the term of copyright in recorded music, Prime Minister Harper and the Government of Canada have demonstrated a real understanding of music’s importance to the Canadian economy. Thank you. We are thrilled to see Canada brought in line with the international standard of 70 years,"

-Graham Henderson, President of Music Canada

I know my aunt and uncle who were musicians during the 50's up in Alberta, Canada would be thrilled by this news. Share with us how this will affect you or people you know, we'd love to hear all about it!

Sean Myles Moriarty, Intern @ PARMA Licensing


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