Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Rollercoaster Ride

Apple, once again, is at the front of the music industry conversations this week, and it's as confusing as it can be complex to grasp. With Apple releasing their financial reports on Tuesday, clearly showing that they had made a sizable chunk of money in their third quarter, one would assume the stock prices for Apple would rise if not have a sizable jump. But in actuality, they dropped quiet a bit. 

But why is the question on everyone's mind. With iPhone's revenue up a astonishing 59% and overall sales being up 33% from just last year, why did stock prices drop? Well it's all based on expectations that had been set for the tech giant. Yes, they did beat Apple's expectations for the quarter but barely compared to how people predicted it would shatter them. 

So while Apple continues to boast about how successful the Apple Watch is selling and how many people are trying out their new Apple Music. But the fall isn't their fault entirely but rather because of outside forces and expectations. Now they might still recovering from that substantial ten point drop but they are slowly climbing back up by bouncing back up five points since it dropped at the time I'm writing this. But it's just strange to have a positive news like this with such a negative backlash somewhat. 

To read more on the subject, head over to TIME

Sean Myles Moriarty - Intern @ PARMA Licensing


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